Updated December 2023 - Dates and program information subject to change

Early Registration Opens

Wednesday, January 10th

Early Cost

Rookies $35     Minors $45    Majors $55

Regular Registration Opens

Wednesday, April 3rd

Regular Cost

Rookies $45     Minors $55    Majors $65

Registration Deadline 

Wednesday, April 17th

Coaches Meeting

Monday, April 22nd **TIME TBD** in the PCRD Conference room

Games Start 

Monday, May 20th

Games End

Monday, June 17th

PCRD Baseball League information

The purpose of the youth baseball league is to provide our youth the opportunity to participate in America’s past-time. Baseball is played around the world, and is a PCRD program that helps us to provide opportunities for healthy use of leisure time. PCRD is committed to offering youth programs designed to be fun, positive, learning experiences with an emphasis on participation, social interaction, and physical development. Policies, Procedures, & Rules: The PCRD youth baseball league will follow the rules set forth by NFHS. The NFHS Rule Book for the current year, will be used by PCRD leagues. Payette County Recreation District may, in some instances, modify rules that are deemed beneficial or necessary to enhance or improve our program. 

Uniforms: PCRD solicits sponsors that provide team shirts for all teams. Players are allowed to keep these shirts after the season. Each player is required to have their own baseball glove. Shoes must be worn. Baseball cleats are recommended but not required. Steel cleats are prohibited. All jewelry should be removed prior to participation in practice or games that is exposed and could cause injury to the player or other participants. Jewelry determined to be unsafe by the umpire or PCRD will be removed or the player will not be allowed to participate.

Coaches and Parents Code of Conduct

Coaches, parents, and spectators are asked to emphasize the social and physical benefits of participation and not the score of the contest. Spectators and parents are invited guests and their support is encouraged as long as it remains positive. Spectators and/or parents shall not criticize officials, players or coaches of any team. Coaches are expected to be ideal role models for their players. Sportsmanship, fair play, honesty, and integrity should be displayed at all times. Please be an example to all who participate and attend. Coaches should make every attempt to set a positive, caring, and enthusiastic example for the participants. No more than one head coach and two assistants are allowed in the dugout at any one time. Please show respect for the officials and teach your players to do so also. All decisions made by the officials are final. Protests involving rule interpretations will be handled at the time of the protest only. The field supervisor or umpires will make the final decision. No exceptions.

Players will not be allowed to participate in a division lower than their appropriate age division. Parents who desire to have a child with physical or mental disabilities participate in a lower age division may request special consideration. PCRD will consider all requests on an individual basis and make a decision to allow special requests based on the mental and physical skill level of the participant. The safety of all participants will be taken into consideration as well. Participants attending school outside their school district may choose to play on a team in the town where they reside or the school district in which they attend.


We take pride in maintaining and improving our fields, we ask you to be courteous and do the same. With your help we can have a ball park that will last for future young athletes in Payette County. No pets or glass containers are allowed at Mesa Park. Players and coaches are asked to be courteous and clear the field and dugouts as soon as possible so that the next game may start on time. NO soft toss against the infield or backstop fences at anytime. Whiffle ball soft toss may be conducted in the outfield. 

PCRD personnel or game officials will make the determination as to whether to call a game due to weather or field conditions immediately prior to its beginning or while in progress. If officials observe lightning in close proximity, the game will be suspended for a minimum of 20 minutes. At that time, officials will determine whether or not to continue based on safety first. If lightning is still observable, the game will be suspended at that point and will be continued at a later date if possible. It is very difficult for PCRD to effectively cancel contests based on weather or field conditions prior to 2 pm. If it is obvious that field or weather conditions will create the need to cancel contests, coaches will be notified by 3 pm. MOST cancellations will be game time decisions.

Teams & Divisions

The goal of PCRD is to make every attempt to ensure that teams are formed on the basis of participation and parity. Due to teams being formed in the communities in which they reside, it is not unusual for team skill levels to vary significantly. The head coach and one assistant will be allowed to have their children placed on their team if the team is located in the Payette County Recreation District. Requests are considered but not guaranteed. Rosters will be frozen prior to each team’s 7th league game. Players can be added for emergencies only after the 6th game.

The baseball divisions are divided as so, rookies, minors, majors. **Age As of April 30th, 2024**

Basic skill goals: Skills to be stressed for all ages: follow directions; listen and work with teammates and coaches; be on time for practice and games; be dressed and ready to play. 

Rookies: Learn basic rules; learn names, locations, and responsibilities of the different positions; learn basic batting techniques, base running, and fielding; experience catching.

Minors: Learn basic rules; learn names, locations, and responsibilities of the different positions; learn basic batting techniques, base running, and fielding; experience pitching and catching.

Majors: Improve rules knowledge and application; learn the techniques and responsibilities of each position; improve throwing accuracy; develop bunting and improve batting techniques; discuss and demonstrate offensive and defensive strategies; improvement of pitching mechanics.

**Rules vary upon division, we suggest you download and read the rules**


National Federation Highschool Rules will apply to the youth baseball league except as state below. The Recreation Department reserves the right to adjust or change league rules at any time when deemed necessary.