Updated January 2025 - Dates and program information subject to change
The purpose of the PCRD Tball & Whiffle ball league is to teach basic catching, throwing and batting skills and teach base running basics. Jerseys and hats will be given to the players to wear at the games. No jewelry is allowed for safety purposes. There is no “on deck” position for batters. All batters need to be lined up behind the fence. Players supply their own mitts, baseball pants and soft spikes. Tennis shoes are allowed at this age as they will be playing on grass fields. If a player would like to use their own bat, it MUST be t-ball approved and remain the responsibility of the player, not PCRD. Whiffle ball uses foam bats and whiffle balls. NO metal bats are allowed for this division.
You MUST always set a good example of GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP for all players and spectators. Coaches will meet before the beginning each game to go over ground rules and cover any questions. 3. Injured player MUST be attended to immediately. 4. Coaches are responsible for forwarding all practices, games, and events to the players in a timely manner. 5. Remember to keep it simple. Every coach should be more concerned with the players learning how to play the game rather than who wins or loses. Always use ENCOURAGEMENT AND ENTHUSIASM!
The whiffle ball league serves youth ages 3-4 years old and the T-Ball league serves youth ages 5-6 years old. Both leagues are coed. Teams will be formed based on age and town in which the child resides in. The base paths will be 50 feet in length and pitcher’s mound will be 38 feet from the home plate. Also, regulation games will be 2 innings or 1 hour in length (all innings started MUST be completed in full). If time limit is almost up, DO NOT start another inning. No new innings after 50min.
National Federation Highschool Rules will apply to the youth T-ball and Whiffle ball league except as state below. The Recreation Department reserves the right to adjust or change league rules at any time when deemed necessary.